Minnetonka Home in Need of Snow Removal

Minnetonka Home in Need of Snow Removal

Minnetonka Homeowner Calls Trinity for Snow Removal
Figure 1 Massive amounts of snow began piling up on the roof after a snowstorm came through their neighborhood
Minnetonka Homeowner Calls Trinity for Snow Removal
Figure 2 The roof after the entire home had been raked and shoveled!


2019 was full of heavy snow storms, and this Minnetonka homeowner knew that excess snow on the roof could cause major problems in the future if not properly addressed.


The homeowner contacted Trinity Exteriors after finding us in their local Five Star Rated book, and we were able to schedule someone to come out the very next day. Thankfully, they called us before any significant ice dams had built up, so we only had to chisel down a minimal amount within 2 inches of the shingles and made sure to clean up any debris. Once completed, we raked off the entire roof, and the homeowner was grateful for the results and taking away their worries about ice dams!