Tim Reily
Title: Office Staff
In early 2024, Tim joined Trinity as HR Manager after dedicating over 15 years to Human Resources management, notably spending a decade as a Recruiter at Empire Today.
In his new role at Trinity, he will oversee all aspects of recruiting and HR management. To enhance his expertise, Tim completed his MBA with a focus on Human Resources Management at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater in the same year. He also holds a certificate from a Human Resources Management Masters' Program. Tim's passion for connecting with people, both within and outside the organization, drove him to pursue a career in this field. He thrives in developing strategic approaches, creating organizational structures, and supporting individuals in their professional growth.
When he's not working, Tim enjoys embarking on home improvement projects (that often go unfinished), tending to his garden that seems to feed more squirrels than himself, and cycling with his family during the fleeting beautiful Minnesota weather that lasts a mere 6 weeks each year.